What Can Massage Therapy Do For You?

Massage therapy offers a drug-free, non-invasive and holistic approach based on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Massage has many physiological effects, such as: Increases circulation, bringing enriching nutrients to the tissues and removing wastes for elimination. Promotes body awareness and reinforces the mind/body connection. Stimulates the lymphatic system, the body’s natural defense, against […]

Headaches and Massage

“This project is such a headache!” They’re so common that the term has become synonymous with an annoyance, but what are headaches, really? And can massage therapy really help? Different types, different causes. Headaches are pretty easily defined, and we all know one when we feel it: it’s a pain in the head. But not […]

Massage Myths: Contraindication Edition

Contraindication is a long word with a simple meaning: a reason you shouldn’t receive a particular treatment, such as a massage. There are local contraindications—things like a small wound—that shouldn’t be massaged directly, but that don’t mean you can’t still get a perfectly good massage on other parts of your body. Then there are general […]